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The Heart and Soul of Seaside Bloom Coaching

Hi and welcome!! I'm Jennifer Hardesty, the founder of Seaside Bloom Coaching. I'm so excited that you're here! I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little about me and how Seaside Bloom came to be.

I'm an only child, a wife, a mother, a stepmother, a daughter, a friend and a Certified Empowerment and Confidence coach. 

I started getting migraines at the age of 14 which challenged me and my journey through high school. I missed a lot of school which led to me working my butt off to make sure I was able to walk the graduation stage with my friends. High school wasn't easy, but I created lifetime friendships that I still have to this day.

The years after high school were filled with so many emotions and so many moments that shaped the woman and mother I am, today: happiness, sadness, love, pain, pride, doubt... the list goes on and on. 

I became a mom in 2011, welcoming my beautiful daughter, Cecilia, into the world. Then in 2014 I welcomed my beautiful son, Austin, into the world. The amazing relationship that I have with my kids means the world to me. We are close, and honest and our time together is always filled with love and laughter.

I've always been a "girls' girl" supporting my friends when they came to me with their struggles. I've always loved helping others, working in doctor offices and at Shriners Hospitals for Children, showing support and love the only way I know how, through relationships and connections. 

After years in the regular 9-5 working world, I decided that I wanted to make a change. I went on a personal journey to find my life's purpose which led me to coaching. 

Just the word COACHING makes my heart smile. 

I worked hard to receive certifications in the following areas: Life Coaching, Professional Coaching, Mindset Coaching, Goal / Success coaching, Empowerment Coaching, Teen Empowerment Coaching, Confidence Coaching, and Meditation Teaching. 

My desire to create a coaching business, different than the others out there, came from the relationship that I have with my daughter. Her being in middle school and dealing with the challenges that kids face these days opened my eyes to the world of mom/teen relationships. I've been blessed to have a great relationship with Ceci but I'm not blind to the realization that her teen years will bring new challenges. I realized that some moms and teens are already really struggling for love, acceptance and peace. SO...I decided to pour my heart and soul into creating a program that coach's moms, and their teens, to better their relationship.

It was from this place that Seaside Bloom Coaching was born and I'm so excited and proud to offer coaching to my favorite people... other women and kids. 

I look forward to working with you and assisting you in your journey. 

With love and light,


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